Designing for death, evolving DeadSocial into MyWishes
Marcos Sebastian, MyWishes Design Lead
Design is a hugely important way in which us humans understand an organisation. The design and branding can visualise both the service provided and values the organisation aligns itself to. When designing an end of life planning platform or service, it is difficult to highlight the multitude of different messages required. MyWishes objective was for the design to help install credibility, security, compassion and engagement in a non-morbid and accessible way.
In this seminar, MyWishes’ design journey will be used as a case study. Starting from its original concept more than 10 years ago a chronological journey will outlines the design process and the different design iterations along the way. The seminar will conclude on the end of life planning suite, MyWishes has manifested into.
Explorations around the design and user experience will take place and reasoning for colours and layout explained.
Speaker bio
Marcos joined MyWishes three years ago, he has helped rework and reimagine MyWishes user interface and design principles. Marcos is a designer with over 20 years of experience. His work has been featured in various design publications and his former clients include political parties and startups. He utilises both a scientific and creative approach to design.
Ticket information
The Digital Legacy Conference is free to attend for EAPC 2021 ticket holders. Alternatively, tickets can be purchased for £20 using the button below.
*The Digital Legacy Conference is a not for profit event run annually by the Digital Legacy Association. It is able to take place each year due to the kind support provided by sponsors, supporters and volunteers. If you or your organisation is interested in sponsoring this year’s conference click here.
Previous Digital Legacy conferences have taken place at UCL Partners (London), Sienna College (New York), EAPC (Berlin) and St Joseph’s Hospice (London). If you would like the Digital Legacy Conference 2022 to take place at your conference, congress, university, office or place of research please do get in touch